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Food vision for the London 2012 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games

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London 2012
Food vision for the London 2012 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games




The London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games and Paralympic
Games (LOCOG) is the first Games organiser to publish a food vision. The task
we have set ourselves is considerable: to deliver a catering operation of the
highest quality, on a gigantic scale. And to do that sustainably.




All fish demonstrably sustainable** with all wild-caught
fish meeting the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible
Fisheries (includes Marine Stewardship Council
certification and Marine Conservation Society ‘fish
to eat’), of high quality, fit for purpose and free
from damage or spoilage.




** Based on the following principles:
– Exclude the worst: complete exclusion of those species and stocks identified
by the Marine Conservation Society (MCS) as ‘fish to avoid’.
– Promote the best: inclusion of all Marine Stewardship Council (MSC)
(or equivalent) and MCS ‘fish to eat’ list.
– Improve the rest: require systematic approach to traceability and
demonstrable sustainability for the rest, with reference to FAO Code of
Conduct for Responsible Fisheries; new IUU regulation; fishery sustainability
status; seasonality to avoid spawning seasons; use of a diversity of species
(including shellfish)


Tsugiyo Kato 14-06-07 (土) 21:24

It’s a very impressed report to me.
I’m a housewife living in Nothen Japan where the people live with the blessed nature.But recent we can not get the materials which can make the traditional dishes. I deeply feel we should keep our blessed natural resource for the future.
Now the strategy that the Japan should to take is the conservancy of naturral resources and the increasing of producing valuable products.
Any way, the person in charge like Mr.Katukawa ,I hope using the socail measures and spreading these informations throughout Japan and the world.

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